Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I pay for a parking citation?
Parking citations can be paid from 8am - 4pm at the Sturgis Department of Public Safety.
How do I contact the Department of Public Safety?
To contact dispatch to request police/fire assistance or to report a crime call St. Joseph Co. Central Dispatch at (269) 467-4195 or call 911.
To contact the department to speak to administration, the Detective Bureau, Fire Marshall, Records, or a specific officer call our business office during the day at (269) 659-7260 or (269) 651-3231 anytime.
Can I burn trash, or brush, in the city?
Residents are not allowed to burn household trash, however they are allowed to burn paper and cardboard
products only from 7:00 a.m. until 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, no burning is allowed on Sunday. Burning of paper must be in a metal barrel or fire ring and must be located at least 15 feet from any structure or wooden fence. In an effort to try and avoid neighborhood conflicts please be considerate of your neighbors with open windows. The Department always retains the option of extinguishing any fire that is causes a nuisance in the neighborhood. The burning of brush, grass, or leaves is absolutely prohibited within the City of Sturgis. The Department recommends all residents take advantage of the compost site on Fawn River Road.
Can I have a camp fire in my back yard?
A campfire or a recreational fire is described as "an outdoor fire utilized to cook food for human consumption" are allowed within in the city limits. These back yard fires do not require a permit or have a limitations to hours of operation. We ask citizens to use common sense when utilizing a recreational fire. Keep it small, attended and in a ring on the ground or appropriate container away from houses, garages or wooden fences. The Department always retains the option of extinguishing any fire that is causes a nuisance in the neighborhood.
How do I schedule a tour of the station?
Tours of the station can be scheduled by contacting the Deputy Director at 659-7237.
Does the fire department give away, or install smoke detectors?
The Sturgis Department of Public Safety has a free smoke detector program for city residents. Qualified residents can stop by the Department office and pick up a free smoke detector.
How do I become a Firefighter?
Start by filling out an application for an on-call firefighter. No experience needed, must have high school diploma or GED, valid driver’s license, clean back-ground check, and pass a physical and psychological test. Once approved, attend St. Joseph County Fire Academy and acquire Fire I and II certification. Call department for more information.